MUCH fun is often poked at English people because of their constant talk and preoccupation with the weather.

Yet we have this to say for ourselves, we certainly get more kinds of weather than anyone else and it is not often we can count on each particular brand of weather coming in what we consider its properly allotted season.

For example we get primroses in January and snow in May and when the sun does shine we go about in waterproofs in case some sudden squall catches us out and we finish up with pneumonia. 

Now at last we have a summer such as none of us can remember, not even the oldest inhabitants.

The comic journals are full of stories of umbrella makers going bust or anglers whose sport has gone because the stream has run dry.

We are now being told that the dry weather will affect the harvest and there may have to be water rationing.

Does it not make you think that our climate is not such a bad one after all?

Surely it would never do to have such fine weather like this all the time.

M Hevey, 