DOES anyone know what is happening with the derelict pub The White House on Sutton Road?

All of these new houses being built in the area, new businesses such as The Old Chapel coffee house and rejuvenated businesses such as The Pickled Egg pub is great for the area.

But this decrepit eyesore is letting it and them down.

I feel sorry for new home buyers looking to buy there.

It’s not fair that they purchase a brand new build and have that for a view.

Mind you, Sutton has form for old being left to collapse into wrack and ruin.

The Wheatsheaf Hotel overlooking St Helens Junction is an absolute embarrassment, especially as its the first thing visitors to the area see when getting off the train.

The rubbish piled high in the garden must surely attract vermin too.

Why isn’t anything being done about these decaying buildings?

Mark Cunliffe, Sutton