AFTER reading of yet another plot of land being used for building houses, I felt I needed to ask a number of questions.

Yes, it’s admirable that St Helens has another £28million being “injected  into the area’s affordable housing  portfolio” (Lancots Lane) but what about extra doctors, dentists, schools and hospitals?

Having recently had a family member who spent 16 and a half hours in A&E, things are getting worse.

Not enough dentists - and those we do have currently have long waiting lists

My doctors’ surgery has more than 6,000 patients.

Last Friday, I was 12th in the queue for a doctor’s appointment but there were none left at my surgery.

Schools are already over-subscribed, so what are we offering the people that will come and live in the area?

I would be interested to know what other people think.

Helen Grounds, St Helens