NO DOUBT for the next few months we will be all bored to tears by arguments from all sides whether we are “in” or “out”, bamboozled by statistics which nobody fully understands.

A vote (if people bother to vote) may be on the most basic of prejudice that “I don’t like the French, Germans, immigrants, Cameron, Corbyn, Gove, Boris, want our money back (we won’t) or “whatever”!

The most worrying statement I have read is that the British Japanese Ambassador wrote that Japanese investment is dependent on us being in Europe and we all know who owns Pilkington.

If that ever happens the tumble weed would be floating down in what will become a ghost town and I will be looking for those who voted “out” causing job losses not only here but throughout the country.

Fear politics? Too true but not when it could be your job. As Clint Eastwood’s Inspector Callaghan once said “Well do you feel lucky-punk?”

Bill Bradbury, Billinge