WE hear and see so many incidents due to depression it seems that this is on the increase and no wonder. People all around seem to be in their own little worlds with minimal contact with real people and places, look around when you travel on public transport and see the majority of people that are so wrapped up in their laptops, tablets and mobile phones that the immediate people and places around don't seem to exist.

I was sat on a bus the other day and sat across from me was a young mother with a very young child. The little girl must have tried to talk to her mother on numerous occasions only to be told to "shut up".

What will this child grow up to accept that a conversation can only occur when "mummy is not on the phone", bearing in mind the journey lasted 35 minutes

On another occasion I was in a restaurant and seated on the next table was a mother, father, son and daughter-in law (or vice versa). I was disgusted to see both of the young people with fork in one hand and mobile phones in the other and texting whilst eating their meals.

Why go out in company and ignore the people you are with?

I read an article the other day which can only be a good description for people who cut off the outside world to live a "synthetic plastic "life.

People who turn to their mobile phones for relief may be making things worse.

Les Woods, Sutton