THE Cubs at 24th Garswood pack have been busy little bees of late, buzzing with excitement at their brand new bee hive.

The hive came complete with resident bees – one of the most crucial wild pollinators – so the Cubs could learn all about them and how important they are for the planet.

Cub leader, Elaine Murphy, said: “We explained the importance of bees for the planet. Given that the Cubs are keen on learning about the environment they voted for us to buy a hive.

“We would not have been able to purchase it without the help of Garswood Football Club, who very kindly donated £500 to us.

“This covered the full cost of the hive, bees, insurance and equipment.”

Elliot Grundy, one of the Cubs, spoke of his experiences with the hive. “I wasn’t frightened about going into the hive. It was fantastic, and I can’t wait until we get some honey to sell.”

He was clearly enthusiastic about the educational aspect to the project. He said: “I’ve learnt about the drone bees and the different frames within the hive, and also what the Queen’s job is and the tasks of the worker bees.

“I’ve even bought a book about keeping bees.”

Local farmer, Edward Painter, has allowed the Cubs to keep their bees on his land.

Cub leaders, Elaine and Eddie, have both joined the Ormskirk Beekeepers Club so that they can teach the Cubs how to look after the bees properly.

The Cubs would like to bring back the Honey Bee Badge which was removed from the list of Cub badges in 1995.