A WOMAN who repeatedly refused to allow her landlord access to her property for gas checks has been evicted.

For several months, Knowsley Housing Trust tried to check the gas supply to Jennifer Moss’s property in Lyneham, Whiston.

It’s the first time a tenant has lost their home for failing to allow the trust access for a gas inspection.

Miss Moss, 28, had been living in the property since February 2009.

Between December 2010 and March this year, officers from Knowsley Housing Trust called at the address nine times with no response.

Eventually a final letter was sent.

A Notice Seeking Possession was served in April and in July the trust was granted a possession order by the courts, giving Miss Moss 14 days to leave the property.

This was ignored and the trust issued a warrant to enter the property and change the locks.

When council officers entered the property, it was clear that she had not lived there for some time.

It was empty and in very poor condition with large amounts of dog dirt.

The gas supply was capped and cut off. At the time of the eviction she was the sole tenant.