THE next time you go shopping, think about this: every minute of the working day a shop worker is attacked, threatened or verbally abused.

An alarming but real statistic from retail industry research. Offenders include shoplifters trying to evade arrest, but also aggressive and abusive customers.

This will strike a chord with many of your readers - those who either work in shops or have friends or family who work in shops. The retail sector employs 11 per cent of the working population in the UK (2.7 million people).

Most customers are fine, but there are some who push things too far. Because, contrary to popular belief, the customer is not always right.

The sad reality is that many shop workers now consider abuse and threats as "part of the job", as it happens regularly, often daily, in many shops and stores. In too many cases, shop workers suffer physical attack and injury when they are simply trying to do their job. A large number also suffer long-lasting psychological and emotional effects from being threatened or attacked. There are many shop workers who go to work in fear of being a victim of violence.

The Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (Usdaw) is taking a stand against this rising tide of attacks, threats and abuse. I hope your readers will show respect to shop workers, and acknowledge their hard work and pivotal role in local communities. No one should go to work in fear of being a victim of violence. Attacks, threats and abuse are not part of anyone's job.

John Hannett, General Secretary, Usdaw, Wilmslow Road, Manchester.