I recently sent a letter to my local MP Shaun Woodward, asking if he was in favour of US military action against Cuba. This is something I totally disagree with and I feel your readers should know about.

There is a lot of propaganda about Cuba in Britain and very little reliable information in the media. Since September 11, George Bush has made increasing threats against Cuba, listing it as a country of concern in his war on terror and a threat to the security of the US.

I believe Cuba poses no threat to anyone, and it is being victimised because it refuses to bow to the dictation of the US. Cuba is a poor country trying to do its best for its people who are suffering from a cruel blockade imposed by the US.

Whatever your views on Cuba, its people do not deserve such aggression, especially as recently the United Nations General Assembly voted for the twelfth consecutive time against the blockade by 179 votes to 3 against.

Having worked in Cuba as a football coach for a number of years, I am amazed at their achievements in health, education, sport and culture. After all the lies of the Iraq war which has cost many lives, and the British economy over £5 billion, surely we should not get involved in any more US adventures.

It is important our MPs stand up and tell Mr Bush to leave Cuba in peace to decide its own future.

I am disappointed Mr Woodward did not reply to my question and I can only assume he would not oppose action against Cuba, therefore I urge residents to make their views known to him.

W. Hennessy, Coverdale Avenue, Rainhill