A CYGNET has become the second swan to be rescued this week after becoming ensnared in a fishing hook.

St Helens Council’s Ranger Service was alerted by concerned residents in Taylor Park who had observed a young swan in peril.

The hook had caught in the cygnet's head and anchored the fledgling bird in the water by the attached line and weights.

Rangers responded and called in the help of the RSPCA.

The cygnet was rescued but was in shock from the injuries it had received, and was quickly taken to RSPCA vets for treatment.

Earlier this week, the Star reported how an adult swan with a fishing hook stuck in its mouth and 50 feet of fishing line trailing behind, was eventually rescued by an RSPCA worker on the lake at the former Pilkington head office site in Carriage Drive.

The situation prompted a plea to irresponsible angers.

Councillor Seve Gomez-Aspron, St Helens Council's Cabinet Member for Green, Smart and Sustainable Borough, said: “The much-loved resident swans on Taylor Park lake had hatched nine cygnets recently.

“Fortunately, thanks to the quick response from our rangers and the expert intervention of the RSPCA, the cygnet made a full recovery and was reintroduced to its habitat on the lake Tuesday morning, and its parents accepted it back.

“Sadly though, these incidents are becoming increasingly common due to the lack of care of the small minority of the angling community, most of whom fully respect the waters they use and the animals that reside on them.

“I ask all residents to take care of the borough’s green spaces for the enjoyment of people and the safety and protection of our local wildlife.

“The vast green space we have is shared with lots of wildlife and we need to remember that, especially at this time of year, nature should be allowed to take its course without interference.”