PLENTY of you chipped in with responses about the former Prince of Wales pub that featured in last week’s Where We Were poser.

Among those to write in were Geoff Almond, a town centre councillor.

Geoff wrote: “I had forgotten about this pub, but seeing it again brought it all back. It was situated on Ormskirk Street and Brook Street. There is a betting shop on the site now but for many years after redevelopment it was a pharmacy.

“The Congregational Church was next door and the iconic Boots building, now the Havannah Bar was almost opposite. In the distance you can just make out the Midland Bank, now the HSBC.”

Kevin Finney added: “I recognised the shot in Ormskirk St. When I was a toddler growing up, our church was Brook St – Ormskirk Street Congs.

“Railings can just be seen on the left. Alongside the Prince of Wales was the small row of shops I mentioned some time ago. It would bring back memories of many of our fighting men as they may have gone into Knowles men’s shop and bought their regimental ties and badges.

"There was also a tobacco shop where I bought tobacco for my uncle. Alongside Prince of Wales was Brook Street, leading down to Beechams."

“I can’t bring memories of the pub as too young to drink. Sure you will get great memories from people though.”