Sad loss of lifeline

FOLLOWING the letter in November 3 issue of the Star, I can only agree at being “outraged” over the library closures.

Taxpayers’ money spent in and around the town will never make up for the loss of the libraries.

What and where can people and children go to take advantage of the facilities available to us? Not everyone wants (or is able) to buy books in order to learn and advance their knowledge. 

From babies and toddlers through to the elderly, the library is a lifeline providing a meeting place for socialising while gaining confidence and experience.

The staff at the Eccleston Library (which will not be closing as part of the plans) are wonderful, welcoming and full of knowledge.

Surely the decline in the town generally does not make it right to take away what little us taxpayers have and will certainly not improve the literacy or education of the residents living in the borough.

P Harrison, via email