I WANT to express my total agreement with the headmaster of De La Salle school.

The verdict of ‘requires improvement’ was totally unnecessary given the progress that has been made since the last Ofsted.

Everything about the school is considered ‘good’.

They noted some weaknesses in the delivery of the curriculum and therefore gave it the seemingly poor evaluation.

Obviously, the head and staff have worked really hard to improve on the last Ofsted only to be knocked back by an evaluation that totally disregards their commitment and hard work.

I understand totally what he means by ‘short visits’ to observe a class lesson.

In no way can anyone understand what is happening in a lesson unless they see at least 70% of it.

In my opinion, Ofsted needs a total overhaul to change the culture of ‘you are guilty of being a dreadful school until you prove otherwise’. It may interest people to know that Ofsted come in to tell you what is wrong but they are not allowed to tell you how to put it right.

I would say the Ofsted inspectors are hiding behind rules.

Diana Collins, Eccleston