I went to pick up my little boy from nursery and got stuck in 35 minutes of traffic on the way back due to the traffic and diversions caused by the Bull and Dog roundabout.

I know as a Sutton resident that it’s meant to all be done with soon, but it’s ridiculous the delays being caused to commuters at rush hour times as far back as The Clock Face pub from the works at the other end of Clock Face Road.

Not to mention never knowing if you drive your normal route if you will be faced with road closures.

Added to that the fact internet cable is now being laid on New Street, near the Mill Lane entrance causing further delays and road disturbance and it honestly just makes the mind boggle.

My little boy was screaming in the car during this time, he’s a toddler, they don’t like being stuck in the car for 40 minutes in what should be a 10-minute drive home, 15 with diversions WITHOUT traffic.

I’m not sure whether this CYCLOPS junction will be a success and worthwhile or not, but up to now it’s caused a lot of drama for Sutton residents.

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