WHY has the council specifically chosen the Shires for the recycling and bin collection pilot scheme?

As recent as last April and May, I was forced to contact two of the councillors regarding the fly tipping and rats that are already present in and around the Shires estate.

It seems that we also have foxes as well now.

As long as it does not affect the people who make these decisions it will probably be swept under the carpet and we will be told to grin and bear it.

When in contact with one councillor I remarked that it seemed we who live on the Shires were destined to live in a rubbish tip.

It seems my prophecy will become fact in the near future if this council has their way.

To enhance my case if you would care to take a walk on the pathway from Canal Street up towards the Ravenhead walkway and also the feeder road from Borough Road through the Shires to the Knauf Installation plant you will see the extent of rubbish which people are tipping.

We see people driving into this road and blatantly throwing rubbish from their cars.

Name and address submitted