TOM Gore (January 24) says weak leadership is delaying a Brexit agreement.

He does not appear to realise that the details of potential disruption being suggested are the government’s response to Brexiteer demands to illustrate how it plans to cope with a “no deal” Brexit on March 29.

Some ministers involved, e.g. transport minister Chris Grayling, are enthusiastic Brexiteers themselves.

He says he hasn’t heard any demands for “a second Westminster election”.

Well, Labour is calling for one right now, only two years after the last one.

He asks if people wish to see the breakup of the UK? Is he not aware that most Scots voted “Remain” in 2016?

Brexit can only increase support for Scottish independence.

Also, does he not realise that most people in Northern Ireland want the backstop if they are forced to leave the EU? Pro-backstop parties obtained 49 out of 90 seats at the last Northern Ireland assembly elections in 2017 while the DUP obtained only 28.

The CBI (Northern Ireland), the Federation of Small Businesses and the Ulster Farmers’ Union also insist on the backstop.

Finally, the delays in leaving the EU are due to Tory infighting within a minority government over what form Brexit should take plus the provisions of Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty inserted on the insistence of the Blair government and drafted by a former foreign office official now a peer.

In these circumstances another leader would make no difference.

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