SAINTS prop Matty Lees has been sent to hospital to be checked over after a knock he received in tonight’s game against Huddersfield left him coughing up "a bit of blood".

Lees came off midway through the first half after taking a bang to the chest and never returned.

Coach Paul Wellens explained what he knew so far when he spoke after tonight’s win over Huddersfield.

Wellens said: “Matty was one of the guys who took ill during the week, but he put his hand up for the team and puts the team first.

“He took a bit of a bang to the chest and coughed up a little bit of blood which is not a great sign.

“We chose to remove him from the field.

READ: Paul Wellens Q&A on Saints attack after win at Huddersfield Giants>

“The doctors sent him to the hospital to get some checks because it is important to do that to make sure there is nothing untoward there.

“I don’t know much more than that at this moment in time.”

Wellens also revealed that Konrad Hurrell had not been selected in the squad due to sickness.