ALTHOUGH Saints' 52-10 friendly win over Salford was built by an impressive first half display from the seniors, the introduction of the younger members in the second half produced plenty of entertaining moments.

The highlight of the second 40 was a long-range try from 18-year-old three-quarter Dayon Sambou.

Taking the first pass from the scrum, the teenager took on his marker on the outside and then pinned his ears back to hold off the chase for a glorious 90-metre try before roaring with delight in front of the jubilant West Stand. 

Bernard Platt captured the try from the moment he took the ball.

St Helens Star: Dayon SambouSt Helens Star: St Helens Star: St Helens Star: St Helens Star: St Helens Star: St Helens Star: St Helens Star: St Helens Star:

Sambou alone in impressing with Jonny Vaughan and Owen Dagnall also crossing the whitewash and George Whitby slotting four difficult conversions from as many attempts.

St Helens Star:

Coach Paul Wellens said: "I am delighted for Dayon, again it is a trial game but you watch these young kids come into the first team environment.

"You see how much it means to all the young lads who took the field today, it's great to see the smiles on the faces when they come back into the gesture.

St Helens Star: St Helens Star:

"They've obviously really enjoyed the experience of being out there, not just Dayon, Jonny, Owen or George – it is great for them all.

"It's fantastic that as a club we can give these young players an opportunity."