THE RFL board have approved a rule change under the sub-head of Reckless Endangerment following last season's increase in the number of tackles that have caused serious lower limb injuries.

The most high-profile of those were the ones sustained by Aganatius Paasi and Alex Walmsley in last year's Challenge Cup semi final.

Those tackles were deemed within the laws of the game - and therefore no punishment was meted out to Leigh's John Asiata despite protests.

But after a review, tackles of this nature will be scrutinised in future after the Laws Committee recommended a new category of Misconduct as part of the Dangerous Contact charge.

And they will be punished if they are deemed as recklessly endangering the safety of another player by making reckless contact to the lower limb(s) of the ball carrier where they have not made a “controlled” attempt to make a tackle.

This law will only be relevant where the tackler has made contact with the lower leg(s) of the ball carrier.

For the avoidance of doubt first contact with the ball carrier could have been above the knee joint but in this situation the direction of the force from the tackler must have been toward the floor.

Indicators for this charge/law breach are the tackler.

• Is off their feet at the point of contact with the ball carrier.

• Failed to attempt to wrap their arms around the ball carrier as the tackle was made.

• Made contact with the legs of the ball carrier on or below the knee.

• Put their own head in front of the ball carrier.

• In the opinion of the Referee, the player is not looking at the ball carrier when going into or on contact and approach to contact is out of control (e.g., eyes to floor).