THERE were dreadful conditions at Whiston Hospital A&E when I attended with my elderly father who had suffered a fall.

My father had suspected fractured ribs, was bruised and terribly sore. 

He was placed on a trolley in a totally overcrowded corridor with zero privacy.

Some staff were telling relatives off who were waiting with their sick or injured relatives and told to sit in the waiting room. 

For ten years I worked at Aintree University Hospital and I was shocked to see this cramped, full corridor with patients.

Many had IVs etc and were being examined on a corridor. 

This is not acceptable.

I will be writing to my MP and the PM to stress my concerns.

As a member of the Conservative Party, I am just so dissatisfied and disappointed. 

I hope Boris invests the money needed without delay.
Sick and injured people deserve more than this indecency.

Paramedics that could be back on the streets were stuck in A&E.

Whiston is buckling under the pressure of patients.

Stephen Fairclough-Speed