THE three-point query raised by reader Ian Campbell (former Sutton Pudding Bagger now living, to some fine style, in America) seems to have raised a few happy memories among local yedscratters.

Ian asked if anyone had any details about the Crystal Palace, Manor Street and Clarence Street, all three places with Sutton links.

Reader Big H of Sherdley Road, has no idea about Crystal Palace, but has much to say about the two streets.

But Chris Coffey, the Sutton memory man, says: "Crystal Palace was, in fact, a pub on Waterdale Crescent. When the new Wheatsheaf was to be opened in Mill Lane in 1938, three pubs had to close - the Crystal Palace, the Engine & Tender on Abbotsfield Road, and the old Wheatsheaf on Lionel Street."

C. Mercer of Rimmer Grove, Parr, briefly identified the locations of the two Peasley Cross streets.

Big H says that Manor Street, where he lived for 45 years, runs parallel to Peasley Cross Lane and towards Jackson Street. It had a railway and bridge splitting it in two. "I lived next door to Nevins' warehouses and offices", he adds.

The street's still there and the offices, but there are now only three houses in the street - numbers 48, 50 and 52.

Big H recalls: "On the Peasley Cross side was Hugh's milk shop-store. On the corner of the street was the Hawk & Buck, an alehouse demolished in the early 1970s.

"Clarence Street was part of the area later comprising the Peasley View site along with Clarence Court (with its communal toilet block) Greenough Street, Carter Street, Appleton Street, Arnold Street and Arnold Avenue."