A POLICE investigation is continuing into separate violent flashpoints which erupted during midweek in a St Helens bar.

The incidents happened in the early hours of Thursday, May 23 at Maloney’s bar on Westfield Street.

The front of the bar was sealed off for much of Thursday daytime and police released an appeal for information and CCTV images after being pressed on the situation by the Star.

One man was glassed in the face and requires eye surgery. In the other incident, a man was knocked unconscious.

The assaults come in the wake of police highlighting concern about this area of the town centre being a hot spot for violence.

What do we know so far?

Officers attended the bar and saw a man with a head and eye injury after being struck in the face with a glass.

The victim, a man in his 30s, was taken to hospital for treatment to an eye injury.

Police later established that second altercation had occurred that night where a man was dragged to the floor and kicked in the face.

A member of security staff tried to help but he was punched in the chin which knocked him unconscious.

The second victim in this assault has declined to make a formal complaint, police say.

Where is the investigation up to?

CCTV and witness enquiries are ongoing to identify the suspects involved in the two assaults.

Detectives have issued images of three men they believe could assist with their investigation.  What have police said?

Detective Inspector Richard Shillito said: “Both assaults were very nasty attacks, especially the man who was glassed in the face and he is still in hospital to have surgery to his eye.

“People should be able to enjoy a night out without being subjected to any kind of violence or fear of being assaulted.

“I am appealing to the men featured in the images, or anyone who recognises them to come forward.

“We believe they could hold information that could be vital to our continuing enquiries.”

How to contact police

Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact @MerPolCC on Twitter or ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ on Facebook with reference 24000464277.

You can also call 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111.