A GYM is seeking planning permission to enable it to improve its facilities.

Proposals have been submitted to council planners for a change of use of a construction training centre to extend Peak Fitness gym, on Fleet Lane, Parr.

A design and access statement in the plans, drawn up by agents Lawrenson Associated, on behalf of the applicant, says: “This supporting planning statement has been prepared to assess and support the merits of a planning application, which seeks change the use of the former St Helens Chamber Construction Training Centre in to additional facilities for the Peak Fitness gymnasium in association with remodelling of the existing gym premises to provide better facilities for the patrons.”

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It adds: “The proposed development seeks to make use of the rest of the existing building, formerly occupied by the St Helens chamber Construction Training Centre to house new gym facilities including a relocated boxing area, a new yoga and aerobics suite and accompanying new changing facilities including showers and saunas.”

Parking facilities will remain, with capacity for 11 vehicles on the existing hard standing at the front of the building, supplemented by an overspill car park area, with three cycle stands also provided, next to the front entrance.

The statement concludes: “The applicant considers that the proposed development will provide a good example in the re-use of previously developed land, providing additional leisure facilities to the area without harming local residential amenity or highway safety.”

The plans are on standard consultation to the public until Monday, June 10. A decision by council planners is expected on the application by July 11.