PROPOSALS to install solar panels on the roof at St Helens Hospital have been given the go-ahead as council planners ruled prior approval was not required.

Permssion was sought for the installation of 524 solar panels to the flat roof at DTC St Helens Hospital, on Marshalls Cross Road.

An application has been sent to council planners by Esos Energy for prior approval.

A description of the proposed works in the plans stated the application was for "proposed installation of 524 solar panels to existing flat roof". 

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It adds each panel will be 1,745 x 1,096 x 30mm "Titan's high-performance monocrystalline per module".

The panels will be "no higher than one metre above the highest part of the roof and no panels will come within one metre of the external edge of the roof." 

In a report, planning officer Alex Ball said: "The solar panels would be partly visible from neighbouring residential properties, however, given the separation distance and other paraphernalia associated with the use of the building as a hospital, the proposed development would not result in significant harm to amenity of the area.

He added: "I am satisfied that the occupants of neighbouring buildings would not be affected by glare from the panels.

"Considering the height and position of the hospital, I am satisfied that the siting of the panels on the roof would have no significant adverse impact on the character or appearance of the area and would have minimal impacts upon the external appearance of the building".

The council ruled that prior approval was not required.