PLANS for a flat on the first floor of a retail centre have been approved.

An application proposing the conversion of the first floor of 123-125 Higher Parr Street, Fingerpost to a “self-contained” flat was put forward earlier this year.

Plans stated the site is located within the Fingerpost Local Centre, a retail centre which consists of ‘BUX News’ at the ground floor and vacant storage space on the first floor.

In a planning statement, it said the development would provide new housing, in the form of one two-bedroomed flat, in a “sustainable location” that would “not be harmful” in respect of the character and appearance of the area, residential amenity or highway safety.

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It added: “The proposed dwelling would provide a modest but highly valuable contribution towards the council’s housing land supply.

“The proposals comply with both local and national planning policy.

“The applicant seeks to work proactively with the LPA and looks forward to positive discussions regarding the scheme.”

Recommending the application for approval, planning officer Kim Vo said “the proposal is not considered to have an unacceptable, detrimental impact upon the role and function of the Fingerpost Local Centre, given that the existing retail unit to the ground floor would be retained.

“The proposal will, therefore, also be in accordance with Policy LPC04 of the Local Plan”.

It was added: “The proposed works to facilitate the use are also small scale and limited to the installation of a new entrance door to the rear.

“The external alterations are therefore not considered to result in any unacceptable impact in terms of a loss of privacy.

“The proposed change of use would also be for a residential use, and this is not considered to result in any, greater significant levels of noise or disturbance.”

The plans were granted permission.