A DRUNKEN lout who kicked a pregnant woman after punching her to the ground was jailed for seven years today.

Brian Fairhurst knew his victim, who had nipped out in her pyjamas, was expecting a child but callously continued his attack and tried to steal her mobile phone.

Sent to prison

A judge this afternoon ruled that 41-year-old Fairhurst, a father-of-five, who has a lengthy record including violence, is a dangerous offender.

He was put behind bars for seven years and the judge imposed a two year extended sentence.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that Fairhurst and two other men, all intoxicated, approached her and her then boyfriend near a bus stop in Parr Stocks Road, St Helens on the evening of September 22, 2022.

She was wearing her pyjamas as she was five and half months pregnant. She had not intended going out but they nipped out for throat lozenges from a nearby all night garage.

There was conversation between her then boyfriend and Fairhurst and a fight developed between them.

Punched to the face twice

She later told how “out of nowhere the man turned round and aggressively punched me to the right side of my face twice".

She added: “I dropped to the floor still conscious. My immediate reaction was to hold my belly as I was pregnant and thought I would lose my little girl.

“I told him this and begged him to stop. He said he was 39 and would not stop.”

Judge Ian Harris said: “You kicked her gratuitously to the back and hip. She got up and had hold of her mobile and you tried to snatch it but did not succeed.

“Like the coward you are having attacked the unfortunate female you fled the scene and were not arrested until 27 December 2022.”

High risk of serious harm

Judge Harris pointed out that he has been involved in domestic violence with previous partners and “has a history of displaying aggressive behaviour and an inability to control your temper especially when under the influence of alcohol".

The judge added: “You have flawed thinking, behaviour and attitude. You have no insight into your offending behaviour. I find you pose a high risk of serious harm to the public.”

David Polglase, prosecuting, said that she suffered fractures to her cheekbones, nose and eye sockets and as she was five and a half months pregnant a midwife had to be called to check the baby’s heart.

Anxiety through the roof

In an impact statement the victim told how she has been left badly emotionally and psychologically affected.

She said: “My anxiety is through the roof.

“I am scared to go out walking along the street in fear of being attacked."

She wants to take her daughter out but is afraid to leave her home and her family “have had to pick up the pieces.”

Fairhurst, of Lee Street, St Helens, had been convicted of inflicting grievous bodily harm and attempted robbery after a trial. He admitted breaching his bail by failing to attend court.

The court heard that he has 23 previous convictions for 43 offences including dishonesty, a sex offence, assaults and public disorder.

Ben Stanley, said that Fairhurst, who told the jury that he had not been the culprit and had not been drunk, maintains his innocence and plans to appeal his conviction.

He had worked as a brickie until he lost his home and moved into a Salvation Army hostel. He has reduced his alcohol intake and is keen to take any help offered him.