A PLANNING application has been drawn up seeking to convert two town centre retail units into one to create a convenience store.

Proposals have been submitted for the premises at 9A to 11 Barrow Street.

Plans are for the conversion of two units into one, along with a new shopfront.

Applicant Abdiasis Mohamiid has sent in the plans to St Helens Council planners.

Plans state the existing vacant units have previously been used by a financial advisor and tattooist and body piercer.

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The application adds: "On completion the enlarged shop will be used as an all-purpose convenience store.

"The store will be privately owned by a person who has a similar store in the Garston area of Liverpool.

"Both shops are in the same ownership and the applicant has a six-year tenancy lease."

The plans are on standard consultation to the public until Monday, April 1.

A decision is expected by April 23.