COUNCIL tax is set to increase by 4.99 per cent in St Helens.

A report on the proposed medium-term financial strategy for 2024-2027, as well as revenue and capital budget for 2024-25, will come before the cabinet at its Town Hall meeting next Wednesday.

The cabinet is “invited to recommend to council to approve” the medium-term financial strategy for 2024-2027, the savings proposals for 2024-2027 required to address the identified budget gap, the revenue budget for 2024-25, and the capital programme and associated strategy.

As well as other matters, it is also “invited to recommend to council to approve” a 2024-25 Band D council tax of £1,792.31 – which excludes parish precepts.

This equates to a council tax increase of 4.99 per cent – and includes a two per cent adult social care precept.

A report to cabinet says: “The proposed budget sets a balanced budget, in accordance with statutory requirements, for 2024-25, meeting the identified budget gap via the proposed savings for consideration, addressing the need to maintain reserves at a level commensurate with the risks that the council faces and to allow resourcing for the council’s key strategic priorities to support and protect its most vulnerable residents and deliver transformation and growth.

“As part of the budget process, an initial analysis of the staffing implications of individual savings options has been undertaken as the potential impacts upon staffing need to be understood when considering actions necessary to ensure financial sustainability of the council’s financial position.

“Detailed human resources assessments will be undertaken, as necessary, for any individual decisions required to implement agreed saving proposals.

“This report sets out the scale of budget challenges for 2024-25 and beyond and outlines the process to meet those challenges and present a balanced budget.

“As part of the budget process, an initial analysis of the risks associated with individual savings options has been undertaken. Detailed risk assessments will be undertaken, as necessary, for any individual decisions required to implement agreed saving proposals.”