PLANS to install 16 electric vehicle charging points at a village pub which attracted opposition from some residents have been withdrawn. 

The proposals for 16 ultra-rapid electric vehicle charge points, a substation and associated electrical infrastructure at the site of the listed Manor Farm pub, on Mill Lane in Rainhill were submitted last year.

The plans, drawn up by Ospreys Charging Network, claimed the charging points would "increase footfall at both the pub itself and the local area".

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A design and access statement in the plans had said: "We are seeking planning permission from St Helens Council for the erection of sixteen, high powered DC (rapid), Electric Vehicle chargers, a substation and associated electrical equipment.

"To accommodate the charge points while minimising disruption to the wider site, the entire development has been situated together, near to the site’s entrance.

"The proposed development will have minimal visual impact to the local area, as the chargers and associated infrastructure is limited to 2.3 metres in height. The proposed development is of a small scale."

However, the application attracted several objections from residents and from Rainhill Parish Council.

St Helens Star: The charging points were proposed for the siteThe charging points were proposed for the site (Image: St Helens Council Planning Portal)

The objection from the parish council said: The Manor House is of great significance to Rainhill and is a Grade II* listed building of importance, having both historic and architectural quality.

"It is of paramount importance that any harm to the asset is avoided".

It was added "the placement of the proposed will have a significant impact on the Listed building and its surroundings".

It was also claimed the proposals "will produce artificial lighting and the siting of charge points and substation will be detrimental to the area producing an increased noise level impacting on the residents and surrounding area".

Another objection said the plans "will have a detrimental effect upon the immediate locality and surrounding area" and "traffic volumes will increase significantly in area that currently experiences a high volume of traffic due to its location".

A decision notice on the council planning portal confirmed the application had been withdrawn.

A reason for the withdrawal was not cited in the notice, with the applicant told if they wish to resubmit it is suggested they speak to the case officer to discuss any revisions.