A WOMAN will embark on her first ever physical fundraiser in the new year following her "amazing" father-in-law's second bout of cancer.

Although she is not an avid runner and has not participated in any fundraising before, Georgia Carney has set herself the 5k target for Clatterbridge Cancer Centre at a racing event next year.

Feeling helpless as her partner's father, Ronnie Thompson, was diagnosed with cancer for the second time, the 23-year-old decided to do something out of her comfort zone to show her gratitude for the round-the-clock care that the Clatterbridge team provides.

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St Helens Star: Ronnie is described as an amazing man who has taken the illness in his strideRonnie is described as an amazing man who has taken the illness in his stride (Image: Georgia Carney)
Georgia, from Rainford, said: "A few months ago we found out that my amazing father-in-law's cancer had come back.

"After months of wondering how I could help as I felt and feel so helpless I just thought what would he do.

" Throughout his treatment and diagnosis this year and last it hasn’t stopped him once. He has carried on every single day making us laugh and helping us with anything he can.

"He truly is one of the best people I’ve ever met and I love him dearly."

St Helens Star: Georgia and her partner PaulGeorgia and her partner Paul (Image: Georgia Carney)
As she has not been involved in any kind of fundraising or racing before, Georgia said she is feeling nervous about next year's event, but will soon start training in honour of Ronnie, Clatterbridge, and the countless other families affected by cancer.

Georgia's 5k fundraiser for Clatterbridge will take place at Aintree Racecourse's 5k, 10k, and half-marathon event on Sunday, February 11, 2024.

To support Georgia's fundraiser for Ronnie and Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, you can do so here.