A MUM whose little boy with food allergies is looking to get St Helens schools to get special training in dealing with children with dietary needs after he had a severe reaction.

George Arkell from Windle has a severe allergy to eggs, nuts and sesame, not just consuming it but also being in contact with these foods can have severe consequences for the six-year-old.

Due to his allergies, George carries a Jext adrenaline auto injector pen everywhere he goes and also has a set-in school.

St Helens Star: George had swollen eyes and stomach pains and more during his allergic reaction at his former schoolGeorge had swollen eyes and stomach pains and more during his allergic reaction at his former school (Image: Katie Arkell)

After his mum found his first school had ‘multiple failures’ in taking care of George’s allergies, resulting in a serious allergic reaction for which he was hospitalised, she is now urging more to be done to better aid pupils of any age with severe food allergies and wants support from schools to sign The School Allergy Code.

George’s mum Katie, 27, said: “George moved schools a few months into his first year, due to multiple failings in his care for his allergies that even led to him being in the hospital.

“One of George’s worst reactions is when he was given pancakes containing egg in his previous school, his eyes swelled up and he was so uncomfortable and had stomach pains. He was in his first year of school at the time.

St Helens Star: George with mum Katie and little brother HenryGeorge with mum Katie and little brother Henry (Image: Katie Arkell)

“I picked him up and drove him straight to the hospital the doctors told us that the school should have administered George’s adrenaline auto injectors straight away when his eyes had started to swell.

“George still struggles to process what happened and why his school couldn’t keep him safe.

“It was awful to see him like that and we’re lucky his new school Eccleston Mere have been much better and are willing to learn what needs to be in place to allow George to enjoy and thrive like anyone else.

St Helens Star: George George (Image: Katie Arkell)

“George is a happy and funny six-year-old boy and his allergies don’t define him, but he does need people to be extra careful and he deserves an education free from the worry of allergic reactions that can be fatal in worst case scenario which we dread to think about but in the past, it has crossed our minds leaving him at the school gates.”

After that scary experience Katie is looking to get St Helens schools to sign up to The School Allergy code, free training which is a set of guidelines for schools to follow to create safe environment for children with allergies.

Mum-of-two Katie added: “I recently took part in some research for The Benedict Blythe Foundation, sharing George’s experiences and school life with allergies.

“The Benedict Blythe Foundation was started by Helen Blythe, Benedict’s mother, after he died aged five following eating a snack in school.

“The recent debate resulted in some MP’s supporting the allergy code across their borough, however St Helens was not one of them.

St Helens Star: George and his brother HenryGeorge and his brother Henry (Image: George and his brother Henry)

“We visited a number of schools for George after the pancake incident and were even told by one ‘seven years is a long time and we can’t guarantee anything,’ this is my child’s life we are talking about and schools should be able to guarantee this if they are implementing the right policies and procedures.

“You hope your child won’t have allergies, but if they do they need to be taken seriously, there are different severities and the consequences can be fatal, education is key and I hope St Helens schools will adopt the code and help more children like George enjoy their time in school in a safe way.”

A council spokesperson said: “We are sorry that food allergy awareness and procedures haven’t been strong enough to protect George at his previous school's provision, and we’re glad that he is now getting the support he needs.

“We would support schools to adopt the School Allergy Code as it looks to increase awareness and understanding of the severe risk that allergies present and ultimately protect our children where they should feel safe and supported.

“We’ll be reaching out to school leaders and governing bodies early in the new year to encourage them to consider this.

“We do understand that there are occasions where pupils may be given foods by schools and within their own packed lunches containing allergens, for example through breakfast clubs, snacks and after school clubs, where awareness of special diets could be strengthened with the adoption of the School Allergy Code.

“We want to reassure parents and guardians that from the perspective of our school meals catering service, we have safeguards in place to protect pupils from their allergens through our Special Diets Procedures, annual pupil allergy census and engagement with schools, and the Food Standards Agency allergen awareness training that all catering staff must complete.”

For more information about The School Allergy Code and how to get involved, go to theallergyteam.com/schools-allergy-code.