YMCA St Helens has thanked the public for their overwhelming support as it celebrated a national awards triumph.

In a resounding testament to the extraordinary spirit of its young people, YMCA St Helens was thrilled to announce the crowning achievement of Emily Lowe as the coveted winner of the Lewis Sewell Memorial Award at the illustrious Youth Matters Awards.

YMCA St Helens said that with unyielding determination, Emily has emerged as "a true beacon of inspiration and dedication", and deserving of this prestigious honour.

YMCA’s Youth Matters Awards, created to pay homage to exceptional youth achievements, stands as a testament to the profound impact that young individuals like Emily can make in their journey, and to elevate and empower those around them.

St Helens Star: YMCA St Helens has thanked the community for their supportYMCA St Helens has thanked the community for their support (Image: Submitted)

YMCA St Helens has expressed heartfelt gratitude to the public for their unwavering support and the power of their votes.

The organisation said this "remarkable display of unity not only magnifies the spirit of camaraderie within our community" but is also a "resounding declaration of support for Emily".

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At just 17 years old, Emily has taken on a pivotal role within YMCA St Helens, steering its mission with an unwavering enthusiasm that knows no bounds. Their dedication and leadership have ignited transformative change, a ripple effect felt in every corner of our community.

St Helens Star: YMCA St Helens celebrated the achievementYMCA St Helens celebrated the achievement (Image: Submitted)

Over the past year, Emily has spearheaded a series of ground-breaking initiatives at YMCA St Helens, including the development of a ‘Stepping-Stones’ group to support other young people suffering with anxiety and feeling as she once did.

YMCA St Helens has described her "relentless commitment to driving change" as "remarkable".

“Emily has more than earned this remarkable recognition," said Dr Justin Hill, CEO of YMCA St Helens.

"Their compassion and perseverance have not only been instrumental in our collective accomplishments but have also played a vital role in their personal growth. We are united in celebrating Emily as an emblem of our local community's potential and promise."

St Helens Star: Emily won the award for her ground-breaking initiatives at YMCA St HelensEmily won the award for her ground-breaking initiatives at YMCA St Helens (Image: Submitted)

YMCA’s Youth Matters Awards stands tall as one of the most eagerly anticipated national accolades, honouring young individuals, volunteers, and initiatives that redefine the boundaries of achievement, resilience, and community-driven change.

St Helens Star: YMCA St Helens celebrated Emily's awardYMCA St Helens celebrated Emily's award (Image: Submitted)