A FIFTY-NINE-YEAR-OLD man was arrested after a woman was reportedly sexually assaulted at a bar in St Helens town centre.

Meanwhile, a doorman was attacked after the suspect was asked to leave the premises, and a police officer was also physically assaulted.

Officers had attended a town centre bar in the early hours of Saturday morning, at around 3am after a woman was reportedly sexually assaulted by a man. 

When a suspect was asked to leave, he refused and a doorman was attacked. Meanwhile, a police officer was also allegedly assaulted after the man was removed from the premises.

A 59-year-old man from St Helens was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault, assault and assault of an emergency worker.

He has since been bailed with conditions.

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A Merseyside Police spokeswoman said: "A man has been arrested following a sexual assault at a bar in St Helens.

"At around 3am on Saturday, November 25, we received a report of an assault at a bar.

"It was reported that a man sexually assaulted a woman inside the bar and was asked to leave by members of staff. The man refused to leave and assaulted one of the doormen and a police officer after he was removed from the premises.

"A 59-year-old man from St Helens was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault, assault and assault of an emergency worker.

"He was taken to a police station in Merseyside and has since been bailed with conditions.

"Inquiries are ongoing into the incident. If you have any information please contact @MerPolCC, 101 quoting reference: 23001186089.

"Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their online form at: crimestoppers-uk.org."