A YOUNG couple has been described as a "credit to the town" and "fantastic human beings" after a selfless act was picked up on a Ring doorbell camera.

Over the weekend, a video posted on social media by Paul Lyon attracted thousands of responses as it showed the kindness of young couple Charlie Smith and Jarrod Pye.

The video shows Charlie and Jarrod knocking on Paul's door, who had nipped to his local shop on Knowsley Road and got some money from the cash machine.

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St Helens Star: Charlie and JarrodCharlie and Jarrod (Image: Helen Pye)
With Paul unknowingly dropping £180 in cash on the floor, Charlie and Jarrod were innocently returning the money, when they could have "easily walked away with it".

Paul posted the video to highlight the selfless act and the honest people who live in our community. Although he offered the pair a cash reward, the pair refused it as they felt they were just doing the right thing.

With Charlie and Jarrod showered with praise following the posting of the ring doorbell footage, Jarrod's mum Helen told the Star that the act just sums up what kind of people the couple are.

Helen said: "They're just amazing, really nice kids who wanted to do the right thing.

"They saw Paul drop the money and didn't even think about it.

"They're both really surprised with the response because they didn't think they had done anything out of the ordinary, and didn't want to take a reward because of this."

St Helens Star: Charlie and Jarrod's actions have been widely praisedCharlie and Jarrod's actions have been widely praised (Image: Paul Lyon)
With some "bad press" about the actions of young people at the moment, including the arrests of two teenagers following reports of criminal damage at Rainford High, Helen said that this incident highlights the "lovely and kind" young people that live in our borough.

After achieving great GCSE results in the summer, Charlie and Jarrod are both working hard in their A-Level studies at Rainford High sixth form.

Charlie also runs a small business selling cakes and sweet treats, which can be found here, while Jarrod also volunteers at Dungeons and Dragons community group called 'Dungeons of the North' in St Helens town centre.