DESIGN proposals for Parkside represent a ‘best-in-class’ development, says a report due before the council's cabinet today.

At its meeting on Wednesday, the council’s cabinet will consider the Parkside Regeneration LLP Joint Venture Annual Report for 2023, noting the ‘considerable progress achieved to date’ in relation to regeneration of the former Parkside Colliery site and the delivery of ‘social value outcomes’.

In the annual report, the executive summary says the Parkside Joint Venture (JV) ‘continues to push on at pace’, addressing the key design, planning and infrastructure opportunities and challenges with ‘determination’.


St Helens Town Hall

St Helens Town Hall


It adds: “Progress is solid, with the JV driven by the unique opportunity Parkside represents to deliver far-reaching economic and social benefits for the people of Newton-le-Willows, the wider borough of St Helens and the Liverpool City Region.

“The design proposals represent a best-in-class development, with the office element of each building upgraded to reflect employers’ increasing focus on moving HQ-grade employment to developments of this type.

“Attracting occupiers of the requisite quality will broaden considerably the range, quality and earnings-potential of the jobs available on site.

READ > New images released as public invited to consultation on regeneration plans

“The scheme is now at a key milestone, with the submission of the reserved matters application, expected to be heard by the planning committee in January 2024.

“The scheme represents the very best in terms of sustainable design and development and will be an exemplar for such projects, if approved.”