COUNCILLORS have approved plans for a new construction industry hire and sales business in Haydock.

A “part-retrospective” application for the site at Martland House, on Kilbuck Lane, came before the planning committee at its meeting on Tuesday.

The application proposed the demolition of an existing adjacent bungalow, the change of use to a construction industry hire and sales business, partial demolition of the existing single storey rear extension on Martland House, along with the erection of a single storey front extension, first floor rear extension and creation of an additional storey to create a second floor with a roof garden, as well as the introduction of render and zinc cladding.

As part of the proposals, the existing bungalow would be demolished in order to combine the sites into one, with new car parking provision at the front of the site and new fencing and landscaping being proposed, according to a report to the committee.

The report said the application was publicised by way of neighbour notification letters – in response to the publication, objection letters from eight separate addresses have been received and the grounds for the objections include access/transport issues, noise and disturbance, light pollution and highway safety.

But council officers said the principle of development is considered acceptable and, given the location and context of the development, together with the mitigation measures that can be secured by suitable planning conditions, it is considered that there would be “no significant impacts upon neighbouring amenity, landscaping, and highway safety”, adding that the scheme complies with the St Helens Local Plan and is a “sustainable development”.

As recommended, the application was approved subject to conditions.