LOCATED right on the fringe of the borough Rainford Junction has a tight-knit little community.

A key part of this sense of togetherness comes from the businesses that serve the residents in the area and provide locations for people and community groups to meet.

Among them are the long-running family-owned Bridge Farm, the Junction pub, the Junction Post Office and X Social Club.

Bridge Farm

St Helens Star: Janette Cockayne, of Bridge FarmJanette Cockayne, of Bridge Farm (Image: St Helens Star)Bridge Farm, on News Lane, has had a plant nursery for around 30 years, which was the business’ first diversification. A campsite was added a decade ago, which sites around 20 caravans, overlooking rustic countryside views. Its accommodation offers also include The Lodge, with its own kitchen, dining area and bedrooms.

Meanwhile, the Bridge Farm café launched around five years ago.

“We seem to remain popular, we’re at the end of the walking route, the Linear path through Rainford finishes here and that’s very popular with families,” said owner Janette Cockayne, 58.

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“We didn’t get a licence (alcohol), we’ve gone down the route of doing something different. You can go to the pub if you want to have a drink. We do the evenings where people can bring their own drinks.”

Janette, who grew up in the locality, says the businesses in the area support each other.

“We’ve created a nice little community here and help each other out. A lot of the houses here are old and the people who move here absolutely love it.”


Rainford Junction Post Office

St Helens Star: Paul Bromilow and sister SarahPaul Bromilow and sister Sarah (Image: St Helens Star)The Rainford Junction Post Office is another staple of the community that serves residents in their day-to-day lives.

Paul Bromilow, owner and postmaster, who works there with sister Sarah, subpostmistress, says the sense of community is special.

“”If the post office wasn’t here, it would just be a ‘normal’ shop.

“People come down and we all know each other. We have DIY products now, people call it ‘Arkwright’s of Rainford’!” joked Paul.

“It’s great, we have the banter and people like to speak to Sarah, a lot of people come in for a chat, it’s great.”    


Junction pub

St Helens Star: Paul Draper, with dad Alan, outside the Junction pub last yearPaul Draper, with dad Alan, outside the Junction pub last year (Image: Submitted)

A central hub of the community, The Junction in Rainford has been transformed over the past 11 and a half years under landlord Paul Draper from an ailing run-down venue, to a buzzing hive of activity, with a new kitchen facility, roof terrace and a booming live music scene.

Paul took over the venue in 2012, as the keys were handed over to him and his dad Alan.

Paul, who has a degree in sound engineering, was originally going to use the building as a recording studio before a “change of heart” saw him continue it as a pub.

Music has played a big role at the Junction, which has become synonymous with holding live performances, and even ad hoc jam sessions.

The pub’s marquee has provided in the community over recent years to many groups such as the brownies, table tennis, Zumba, choirs, ukulele bands to name a few.

St Helens Star: Rainford X Sports & Social Club, on Bushey Lane, is another central part of the communityRainford X Sports & Social Club, on Bushey Lane, is another central part of the community (Image: St Helens Star)