PLANNING chiefs are set to make a decision on proposals for more than 300 properties in Rainford.

An application for the erection of 307 dwellings – on land opposite 55 To 85 Rookery Lane – with associated access, public open space, sustainable urban drainage systems and other infrastructure will come before the planning committee at its meeting on Tuesday.

This application relates to a site located on the corner of Higher Lane and Rookery Lane in Rainford.

According to a report to the committee, the site measures 12.61 hectares in area and currently comprises agricultural land, along with an element of woodland close to the boundary with Higher Lane.

It states the site is split into two parts by an existing hedge running north to south through the site, the westernmost part of the site is ‘much bigger’ with the hedgerow being located approximately 80 metres from the eastern site boundary, while both fields are in the ‘same use’.

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The dwellings would consist of a mix of detached, semi-detached, terraced and apartment properties.

Two vehicle accesses into the site would be provided off Higher Lane and Rookery Lane.

This application has been advertised with neighbouring notification letters, and a site notice.

At the time of preparing the report, 205 objection letters have been received as a result of the public consultation and the comments received, as summarised, include highways congestion and safety concerns, lack of public consultation and time period to respond, failure to comply with the Local Plan, noise impacts on new residents, and impact on the capacity of public services.

Meanwhile, two support letters have been received and the comments, as summarised, state the proposal will bring much-needed housing at affordable prices for families wanting to move into the area, while noting that necessary infrastructure should be provided too.

The comments also said that new homes will bring in new people, business opportunities and services – while adding support of the design and a feeling that the homes will be a benefit to the village and community.

The report says the application site is an allocated housing site through the Local Plan and would deliver a strong mix of residential dwellings within a sustainable location, contributing towards housing figures within the borough as required by local and national planning policy.

The application is being recommended for approval, subject to conditions and a legal agreement – with authority delegated to the head of planning to add, amend, or remove conditions as they deem necessary.