A MUM is looking to thank a "kind and thoughtful" taxi driver who came to her rescue this morning when her tyre burst on the school run. 

Mum-of-six Toni Owen from Sutton Heath was driving her three youngest children, one aged six and two others aged nine, to school this morning, Tuesday, October 3, when her front tyre burst near Jubits Lane.

Having never changed a tyre before, she was struggling taking tips via Facetime from her husband how to sort it when a kind taxi driver came to her aid.

Toni, 39, said: “I must have hit the front tyre on a kerb and it went and my head went then. I got the kids out and it started lashing it down with rain.

“I was struggling on Facetime to my husband when a Britannia Taxi Driver pulled up and said that he’d just driven past me dropping off a client then circled back to help me.

“I was just so grateful, he even let the kids sit in the back of his taxi to stay dry while he changed the tyre for us. He was just in a t-shirt and got absolutely soaked.

“He wouldn’t take any money for helping, just goes to show how kind people can be.

“Instead of my kids missing a day of school, thanks to him they were only 10 minutes late.

“I just want to find out his name, as he never told me, and thank him so much for being a kind person to a mum in need.”