A PRIMARY school continues to be 'Good', inspectors found after its latest Ofsted visit.

Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, in Prescot, retained a 'Good' rating following an inspection on July 3 and 4. 

In their report published in September, inspectors noted that "leaders, staff, pupils and families follow the school’s vision of ‘loving, learning and reaching out to all’ each day" adding "there are strong relationships across the school".

It was said that "leaders and staff are highly ambitious for the achievement of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)".

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Inspectors found that "the academic, social and emotional support that leaders provide contributes strongly to how well pupils achieve".

It was also noted that teachers’ "high expectations for behaviour are clear" and that "pupils behave well".

Ofsted said that pupils at Our Lady's "benefit from high-quality opportunities that enhance their learning and support their personal development". including visits to local organisations.

'Ambitious' curriculum praised

They noted "there is a strong sense of community at the school" and inspectors said leaders have designed a "broad, ambitious and interesting curriculum for all pupils", and "have considered the local area and the experiences it provides to make the content of the curriculum relevant to pupils".

It was added they have "sequenced the content of the curriculum thoughtfully to ensure that the new ideas that are introduced build on what pupils have previously learned" and "as a result, pupils achieve well".

Ofsted also noted that "subject leaders provide valuable guidance to teachers about how to deliver curriculum content effectively".

It was said "teachers provide lots of opportunities for pupils to read and to listen to stories" and "by the end of key stage 1 most pupils are successful readers".

It was also said staff ensure SEND pupils "follow the same curriculum as other pupils" which helps them to "achieve well".

Ofsted noted "leaders have made sure that the curriculum provides high-quality opportunities to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development".

Inspectors noted that "in a small number of subjects, teaching and learning are less well developed". 

It was added "governors know their school well" and "hold leaders to account for standards and the quality of education in the school".

Arrangements for safeguarding were also found to be effective.

'A great achievement by the school'

Cllr Margaret Harvey, Knowsley Council cabinet member for children’s services, said: “I was delighted to read Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School latest Ofsted report.

"It’s evident that there are strong relationships and effective team work within the school, as well as the wider community.

"The important role of Governors has also been highlighted and how leadership is challenged to ensure high standards and the quality of education is maintained at the school.

"Maintaining a ‘Good’ judgement is a great achievement for everyone. Well done.”