PROPOSALS to carry out work to various trees at Rainford High Technology College covered by a tree preservation order have been refused.

An application had been proposed for the work at the Higher Lane site.

However, it has been turned down by the council.

In the decision notice, it states the reason for refusing the application is because "insufficient information" has been submitted to "justify the proposed works to the protected trees".

It adds: “Therefore, the proposed application is contrary to policy LPC10 of the St Helens Local Plan as it would result in both the loss and harm to the protected trees.”

Meanwhile, in the officer report, it states that the application site relates to Rainford High Technology College, an 8.56-hectare site that lies within the green belt.

It says: “Rainford High lies on the north-eastern fringe of the settlement area of Rainford.

“There are agricultural fields to the south and east of the site, whilst residential properties and a primary school are separated from the site by Higher Lane to the east and Randle Brook to the north.

“The green belt boundary follows Higher Lane and Randle Brook in the vicinity of site.

“There are two woodland tree preservation orders affecting the site.”