THE heartbroken parents of amateur rugby league player Jordan Welsby told of their grief in harrowing victim impact statements read out to court.

Talented Blackbrook half-back Jordan Welsby was 26 when he was hit by a Vauxhall Corsa on Borough Road on Boxing Day night in 2020, Liverpool Crown Court was told.

He suffered a severe head injury and died five days later on December 31 that year in hospital.

The driver of the vehicle, Faisal Yasin, of Wensley Way, Rochdale, pleaded guilty to causing Jordan’s death by careless driving at a hearing in August and was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment of which he must serve half in custody, at Liverpool Crown Court on Wednesday, September 20.

The 25-year-old was also banned from driving for an additional 12 months after this.

The court heard that moments before the collision, Yasin had been using Snapchat on his mobile phone.

He had been driving within the 30mph speed limit at the time, though weather conditions were said to have been "extremely poor" due to Storm Bella, which had led to high winds and heavy rainfall.

St Helens Star: Faisal Yasin has been sentencedFaisal Yasin has been sentenced (Image: Merseyside Police)

Yasin drove into' Mr Welsby, the court heard. and when police checked his mobile phone, they found that earlier he had been sending Snapchat messages to his then-partner while driving.

This included sending one message within one minute of the crash.

Yasin had received a reply in the intervening period, which had not been opened.

The court heard that when the public rushed to help heard him saying: "I didn't see him. I didn't see him."

READ: Man sentenced for causing death of Jordan Welsby in St Helens

The sentencing also included victim impact statements of Jordan’s parents Nicola and Anthony Welsby, read out by prosecutor Kate Morley.

The statements highlight the devastating impact Jordan’s death has had on his family.

'Live has never been the same since'

The words of Jordan's mum Nicola, stated: “Jordan was a loving son, brother, cousin, nephew and friend.

“He loved football and rugby league and represented Great Britain aged 22 on a tour of Jamaica.

“On December 27, 2020 a knock on the door at 1am took him away from me.

“It’s hard to imagine police knocking on your door in the early hours to tell you there has been an accident and you need to come to the hospital quickly.

“This knock on the door has changed my life forever.

“Life has not been the same since."

She said the family was rushed to "hospital to find my boy with every injury imaginable".

Nicola added: “We spent five days living more in hope than expectation.

“It’s very hard to explain how difficult it is to make decisions about organ donation while experiencing this trauma of losing your child.

“Rational decisions are difficult when you are bereft with sorrow.

“Every nurse came out to see him off to the donation room.

“As he slipped away there was an overwhelming feeling of numbness and sorrow and I’ve been numb ever since that day.

“You should never have to bury your child.

“Organising a funeral during the pandemic was difficult was helped by the people Jordan knew and loved.

“Access to the funeral was restricted because of covid and there was no wake or celebration of his life for his family and friends.

“This was difficult in the extreme as I couldn’t grieve properly and I knew those closest to him couldn’t either."

Nicola went on to describe the impact the tragedy has had on her working life and that she had left her job as a nursery manager.

She added: “Fast forward three years and Jordan has been birthdays, Christmas’ and also my wedding to my husband.

“We delayed the wedding a year after Jordan died.

“Jordan was supposed to walk me down the aisle with his brother Callum but couldn’t.

“It’s fair to say that the day wasn’t the same without him."

She added: “There are reminders of my son everywhere from steak to board games to rugby league matches. Silly things to everyone else but things that remind me of him.

“We’ve lost a fun loving sociable lad who loved his family and friends and loved his sport and life will never be the same. It can’t be.”

The court then heard the statement of Jordan's dad Anthony.

'You shattered my life into pieces'

He said: “Where do I begin? Today I sit and attempt the impossible task to articulate how the actions of one selfish person have impacted my family and I over the last two and a half years.

“After a number of attempts I’ve now realised no words can describe the pain and sorrow we still feel.

“The pain is endless and grieving the loss of Jordan, my son, cannot be expressed, only felt.

“On December 26, 2020, you changed our world forever.

“Personally you [Yasin] shattered my life into pieces and I’m unrecognisable to the person I was before.

“I rarely socialise and find it difficult to enjoy anything.

“I cry each day over the loss of my son and the guilt associated with not being able to protect him."

He added: “Jordan was such a thoughtful, caring and wonderful person and had a large circle of friends and was well liked by all who knew him.

“An all round sportsperson and exceptional rugby player who played representative rugby league for his town St Helens, Lancashire county and Great Britain for the British amateur rugby league association."

Anthony said this was reflected by an email sent by director or personal development of PE at Rainford High School, which described Jordan as "an extra special young man who lit up every room, lesson and sporting arena that he entered".

The school said he would be remembered as a polite, respectful caring and inspirational young man who was a magnificent ambassador for his family, school sport and community.

Anthony's statement added: “I last saw Jordan two days before the collision on Christmas Eve. He was excited for Christmas and we hugged for the very last time.

“If only I had known I would have hugged him closer, tighter and never let go.

“We spoke on Christmas Day wished each other happy Christmas and exchanged text messages and invited him to come over on Boxing Day.

“21.23pm on December 25 2020 Jordan messaged to say he hoped I had a good Christmas Day and inform me he already made plans for Boxing Day, plans that would have fatal consequences.

“At 21.44pm that same day I got my last message from him. It was simply confirmation that he’d had a good Christmas with his girlfriend Laura followed by a smiley face emoji and two kisses.

“Historically, he’d spend Boxing Day at Blackbrook Rugby Club where players would meet have a game of rugby and celebrate the festive period.

“Unfortunately due to covid restrictions the rugby club was closed and that’s why alternative arrangements had been made to spend it at the Eccleston Arms in St Helens.

“Boxing Day 2020 was particularly quiet. As a family we were in the middle of renovations on the house we’d just purchased and I'd describe it as uneventful until the early hours of December 27 when our lives would be changed forever.

“I was woken up by a police officer at my house in the early hours where I received the life shattering news that Jordan had been involved with a serious road traffic collision and had been taken to Aintree Hospital.

“We were told it was not the worst news but that the injuries were serious and the next few days were spent at Jordan’s bedside where we experienced every emotion possible.

“Again due to covid we as a family we’re restricted to how many visitors we could have at the bedside.

“Myself and Nicola took it in turns to sit at Jordan’s bedside at 2-hour alternative periods supported by our partners Helen and Chris.

“I still remember praying and talking to Jordan not knowing if he could hear me and telling him to stay strong and to fight.

“I can only describe these days as the worst emotional rollercoaster I have endured.

“Every flinch, flicker of an eye or movement of his hand would give hope that Jordan would recover from these injuries.

“But no amount of praying begging and making deals with god would answer my prayers.

“I yearned to swap places with him and take away any pain he had endured.

“During this time I had to to the unthinkable and prepare my eldest son, Jordan’s best friend Callum and his step sister Emma to prepare them to say their goodbyes. Just stop for a minute to think about that.

“Think about having to prepare your children to say goodbye to someone so very precious to them at the same time of coming to terms with the harsh reality that you are to lose a child.

“Jordan remained unselfish to the very end and on December 31 2020 at 9pm surrounded by family Jordan sadly passed away and became an organ donor a final wish of Jordan’s ensuring two other people could celebrate the new year with the ultimate gift of life.

“An act that Jordan has been posthumously recognised for with the order of St John award."

He added: “Christmas and new year will never be the same again. Life will never be the same again.

“It tears me apart each day to know I wasn’t able to protect Jordan.

“Although he was 26 years old a young man with his own mind, he was my little boy.

“A little boy I’d worked so very hard to protect all these years, a little boy I played games with built dens with wrestled around the living room floor with and tucked into bed with a bedtime story.

“Jordan did not deserve to die and we as a family do not deserve to suffer.

“I wish I could have been beside Jordan at the scene of the collision of that fateful night to comfort and reassure him after suffering the horrific injuries he sustained due to your careless and selfish actions.

“I wish I could have swapped places with him but instead I’m left here to suffer the consequences with the rest of my broken-hearted family."

He added: “Our family is incomplete and always will be.

“There are no more trips to watch the football with my two sons, no more watching them play rugby together no more family holidays. No more hugs laughter and jokes as you stole this from us.

“The reality is that due to your actions [Yasin's] and selfishness I won’t see Jordan grow into the family man I know he was capable of and not only had my son taken from me but the prospect of grandchildren when I lost my forever 26-year-old beautiful son Jordan.”