A DISEASE that can prove fatal to dogs if left untreated has been recorded in areas on the edge of the borough.

While it has usually been confined to places like Wales and the South of England, cases of Lungworm have spread across the country in recent years.

Although there are no confirmed cases in St Helens, an interactive map shows that there are currently 110 reports of the deadly parasite in a 50-mile radius of the borough.

This includes places just a short drive away, including Prescot, Liverpool, Warrington, and Wigan.

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What is lungworm?

A potentially fatal parasite, lungworm is often carried about by snails, slugs, and frogs and can be left in slime trails left by the animals.

A dog could then become infected if it picks up some lungworm larvae while rummaging through undergrowth, eating grass, or drinking puddles or outdoor water bowls.

The parasite can then develop inside a dog's main organs and prove fatal if left untreated.

While lungworm is a treatable condition, vets have warned dog owners to be vigilant as it can cause serious health problems and even death if not diagnosed and treated.

Symptoms and treatments

Vets state that symptoms of lungworm can be changes in behviour, breathing problems, general sickness, or poor blood clotting from wounds.

Treatment is available for lungworm, so owners are encouraged to visit their nearest vets if they are concerned about changes in their dog's behaviour.

Anti-parasite medication can be administered if it is determined that the animal has been infected.

For more information about lungworm, you can follow this link.