PLANS to transform parts of Earlestown and boost economic growth with a multi-million pound investment have edged closer.

It is also being tipped to improve connectivity to the town centre and increase footfall in the area.

A report on the acceptance of the Levelling Up Fund round two grant funding for Earlestown will come before the cabinet at its meeting on Wednesday.

At the end of June, the cabinet approved the submission of a bid for the St Helens North Constituency, proposing a packaged approach for Earlestown town centre to ‘support its regeneration and recovery through projects that stimulate economic growth and increase footfall’.

In her report, Lisa Harris, executive director of place, says: “The £20 million package bid was aligned to the ambitious vision of the council and its partner, the English Cities Fund, and articulated within the Earlestown Masterplan Development Framework that was adopted by the Council on 2nd February 2022.

“This significant investment will revitalise Earlestown’s historic market square and surrounding public realm, reimagine its Grade-II listed vacant Town Hall as a community and workspace hub, and improve safety and amenity at its rail station.

“Supported by the secured match funding, these complementary packaged projects will drive substantial regeneration and reinvigorate Earlestown as a place in which to live, work and invest.”

The £20 million bid submission comprised a number of transformative projects – these included the Earlestown Market and Market Square, Earlestown Town Hall, rail station improvements and a series of public realm improvements to ‘connect the town centre in an attractive high-quality environment’.

The cabinet is recommended to note the decision taken by the leader under "urgency powers" to accept the £20 million LUF grant funding and authorise the executive director of corporate services to sign the corresponding memorandum of understanding with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for the ambitious regeneration programme.

Members are also recommended to authorise the borrowing requirements to fund the council’s capital match-funded programme of £7.452 million from the strategic capital investment schemes identified in the medium-term financial strategy, as well as to approve the drawdown of £0.437 million for the creation of two posts: an Earlestown town centre programme lead and a townscape heritage officer to be part of the growth delivering prosperity team.