FANCY a walk?

Today is National Take A Walk In The Park Day aimed at celebrated small excursions and the differences they can make to our mental, physical and emotional health.

It was created by people wanting to reconnect with the wilder spaces in towns and cities and wanted to encourage local residents to explore the beauty of parks and open places.

If you want to take a walk today, where should you go?

Which parks and open spaces in St Helens would be good to enjoy some fresh air?

Here are 10 of your wonderful walks in St Helens:

Clinkham Woods

Clinkham Woods (Keith Griffiths)

Clinkham Woods (Keith Griffiths)

Carr Mill Dam

Carr Mill Dam (Karen ODowd)

Carr Mill Dam (Karen O'Dowd)

Taylor Park

Taylor Park (Jen Hill)

Taylor Park (Jen Hill)

Eccleston Fields

Eccleston fields (Mike Horton)

Eccleston fields (Mike Horton)

Havannah Flashes

Havannah Flashes (Anthony Porter)

Havannah Flashes (Anthony Porter)

Billinge Hill

Billinge Hill (Mike Horton)

Billinge Hill (Mike Horton)

Sankey Valley Park

Sankey Valley Park (Mark Garner)

Sankey Valley Park (Mark Garner)

Brickfields Woodland

Brickfields Woodland (Gerald Murphy)

Brickfields Woodland (Gerald Murphy)

Willow Park, Newton

Willow Park, Newton (Paula Terry)

Willow Park, Newton (Paula Terry)

Victoria Park

Victoria Park (James Smith)

Victoria Park (James Smith)