SAINTS coach Paul Wellens has praised the work of the Steve Prescott Foundation ahead of tomorrow’s 2023 GPW Recruitment 10k which starts and finishes at the club’s Totally Wicked Stadium.

Around 1,800 runners will be taking part in Sunday’s event which was the brainchild of former Saints full back Steve Prescott when first started in 2011.

Steve saw it as a way of getting people active, overcoming challenges and having pride in our town - and the event continues to tick all three boxes and acts as a lasting legacy to the great man, who passed in 2013 after a long battle with cancer.

Wellens said: “It is wonderful for the town that we have events in Steve’s memory.

“There are a lot of the things that people don’t see. There’s a lot of great work done by the Steve Prescott Foundation and a lot of money raised for some great causes.

“But the other side of that is that there are such events that bring the community together as well.

“What the SPF has done is not only raise much needed funds but also driven friendships and bonds through such events as the St Helens 10K.

“It is something that we as a club are very proud to support.”

The race will start at 9.30am after a warm up which will start at 9.20am and takes in the Steve Prescott Bridge, through town, up North Road to Victoria Park and then back into town.

Runners are asked to encourage family and friends to support them and the other runners, either at the stadium or out on the course.

Spectators will be able to access the North Stand at the Saints stadium to view the finish and cheer them home.