PLANS to develop three houses have been submitted.

A scheme proposing the properties with associated parking has been put forward for land between 106 and 116 Pocket Nook Street – it is a resubmission of a lapsed planning application.

The status of it is ‘awaiting decision’.

As part of the consultation on the application, the countryside development and woodlands officer shared his views.

He said that he has ‘no objection’ to the proposals within the application.

READ > Showroom plans approved

“There are changes in the proposal from the previously approved scheme, with houses now being tight to the pavement, leaving no front garden area,” he added.

“Whilst the previous scheme was preferable, this scheme is not out of keeping to the locality.

“It does mean that there is now no scope for landscaping to the front of the property and at the rear there is limited room for any significant landscaping scheme.

“As such I would not see it necessary to have any landscaping required up front of conditioned.”

A response from the Coal Authority is also in the planning documents.

It says: “I can confirm that the above planning application has been sent to us incorrectly for consultation.

“The application site does not fall within the defined development high risk area and is located instead within the defined development low risk area.

“This means that there is no requirement under the risk-based approach that has been agreed with the LPA for a coal mining risk assessment to be submitted or for The Coal Authority to be consulted.

“In accordance with the agreed approach to assessing coal mining risks as part of the development management process, if this proposal is granted planning permission, it will be necessary to include The Coal Authority’s standing advice within the decision notice as an informative note to the applicant in the interests of public health and safety.”