PROPOSALS to demolish commercial premises and create new replacements have been drawn up.

Plans seek permission from the council for the development at Billinge Vetarinary Surgery, at 42-44 Rainford Road, Billinge.

The site is made up of commercial floor space that includes a vets, with a flat above, hairdressers and two garage stores. 

A planning statement, drawn up by PKL Partners Limited on behalf of applicants Tru & Brownlow Pension Funds, states the development will include "demolition of the existing single barbers shop premises and two existing garage/store buildings", followed by the creation "of a detached two storey building to provide replacement and additional Class E floor space".

It adds the proposed development "would result a two-storey building that would give 91m2 internal space so as to provide an open plan area, WC and access to the ground floor, along with two offices to the first floor.

"It is the applicant's intention to use the new floor space connection with the existing Medivet Veterinary Surgery".

The application states there would be two full-time and two part-time employees following completion.

It adds: "Overall, we consider that the proposed development comprises an accessible and well-designed building that closely matches the urban grain of the surrounding area, whilst the proposed use of the building would add to the vitality and viability of the site and its land use allocation in the Billinge Local Centre.

"Economic benefits will be associated with the scheme through employment associated with the erection of the new buildings and renovation.

"Furthermore, we consider that the proposed development would positively contribute towards the sustainability of the area and provide a small contribution towards the borough's housing stock". 

They add: "We consider that the proposals for 42 – 44 Rainford Road site are wholly appropriate and will deliver a range of sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits". 

Plans are on consultation to the public until Friday, November 25, with a determination deadline set for December 29.