ST HELENS Council says it is investigating after a vast amount of waste was fly-tipped in alleyways in Parr.

The rubbish was dumped illegally near to Gaskell Street and Granville Street. 

Environmental wardens from the local authority are reviewing a significant amount of evidence found in the fly-tipped waste which they anticipate will lead to prosecution of the offenders. 

The council says it will use every power to prevent fly-tipping and take any steps necessary to punish those responsible. 

St Helens Star: Dumped litter in the areaDumped litter in the area

St Helens North MP Conor McGinn said he and ward councillors in Parr raised the issue with the local authority, following reports from residents blighted by the piling waste.

Over the last two years, continuing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the council issued a total of 81 fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for fly-tipping offences, resulting in thousands of pounds in fines, court fees and victim surcharges, not to mention disclosable criminal convictions for those found guilty by the courts. 

The council has warned people that even if they’re not the one dumping waste, they could still be breaking the if they hand waste over to someone who isn’t licensed if they dump it illegally.

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The council added it has also recently invested in Mobile CCTV, being deployed across the borough at known fly-tipping hotspots, as part of a 12-month trial and the council’s ongoing commitment to deter and prevent fly-tipping. 

Temporary signage will be displayed near CCTV covered areas to ensure that residents are aware of cameras in the vicinity, as required by law. 

St Helens Star: The alleywayThe alleyway

Cllr Andy Bowden, cabinet member for environment and transport, said: “Fly-tipping is a crime. It won’t be tolerated in our borough and our officers work exceptionally hard to combat it.

“But as residents we also have a responsibility to dispose of waste appropriately and legally. By only dealing with licensed and trustworthy carriers we ensure that we’re not contributing to the problem.” 

St Helens Star: Cllr BowdenCllr Bowden

Cllr Jeanie Bell, cabinet member for safer, stronger communities, added: “When it comes to our fly-tipping prosecution work we tirelessly investigate every case, and the information that residents can provide is invaluable.

"It’s worth noting that with the cost of clean-up borne by the council, tax payers’ money must be used – meaning we all as residents have a duty to prevent this unnecessary expense, caused by a criminal minority."

St Helens Star: Cllr BellCllr Bell

She added: “I’d urge anyone who finds tipped waste or who sees waste being dumped to contact the council as soon as possible, noting key details like vehicle registrations, a description of the tipper, and where and when it happened, so that we can hold those responsible to account.” 

Conor McGinn MP said: “Fly-tipping is a scourge on our local communities and those responsible must be held accountable for their disgraceful actions.

“I am pleased that Labour-run St Helens Council acted quickly on the concerns raised by local residents, Parr Ward councillors and myself on this, and to see that they will now be taking appropriate action against the perpetrators.”

St Helens Star: Conor McGinn MPConor McGinn MP

Report fly tipping on, via the mobile app (search ‘St Helens Borough Council’ in an app store), or call 01744 676789.