ST HELENS Library Service is now accepting food, toiletries and household cleaning products at all of its 12 sites across the borough to settle asylum seekers and refugees in the local community,

With the Afghanistan crisis dominating headlines in recent weeks, the library service has joined forces with Together with Our Warm Welcome, a St Helens-based charity which supports asylum seekers and refugees and looks to ease the process for those starting a new life in our community.

These donations will be essential to get families who have fled Afghanistan from the Taliban to get quickly back on their feet and integrated into the community, such as the four families who have recently been welcomed into the borough.

The community of St Helens has come together in recent weeks to donate essentials to those in need, with Newton and Earlestown Community Group receiving more than two tonnes of food and other necessities, delivered to the refugee support network in St Helens and also to a national charity in Manchester.

To further this process, the library drop-off points have been created, as well as a text service for residents wishing to donate money or new clothing and household items, which can be dropped off at various locations to support Afghan communities resettling in the borough over the coming months.

This is in addition to the library's work carried out for St Helens Food Bank.

Councillor Anthony Burns, Cabinet Member for Wellbeing, Culture and Heritage, said:

“Libraries are a lot more than just books – they’re community hubs where people can go to feel safe, and the work staff here do to support the most vulnerable in time of need is phenomenal.

“This is evident though the ongoing support for the local foodbank as well as reaching out to isolated residents during coronavirus lockdowns - and now the Afghan appeal which I know will be close to a lot of hearts.

“Next time you’re visiting your local library, please consider taking some items for this worthy cause. A contribution – no matter how big – can go a long way in helping those with very little.”

Councillor Jeanie Bell, Cabinet Member for Safer, Stronger Communities, said:

“I’m extremely proud of how our borough comes together in times of need – not just for local issues – but those on an international level too, like the situation in Afghanistan which must be a terrifying ordeal for those concerned.

“Projects like this show how much we care to our new neighbours in our communities and epitomises the #StHelensTogether approach which has shone though such a dark 18-months.”

Gordon Pennington from Our Warm Welcome said: “As a local charity we have been supporting asylum seekers and refugees placed in the borough for more than five years and we have formed a number of key partnerships across the town. Over the years the St Helens community has been extremely kind giving donations to help us issue weekly food parcels and household items.

“We are very proud to be working with St Helens Borough Council in helping our new friends from Afghanistan to resettle here and this new initiative with the St Helens Library Service is a bonus and we ask our wonderful St Helens community to support if they can. Together, everyone achieves more.”

Find your nearest library by visiting:

To donate by text message, text the word OURSTHELENS followed by the amount you want to give to 70085.

Cheques referencing the Afghan appeal can also be made payable to Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action using the following freepost address.

2nd Floor, Beacon Building, College Street, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 1TF.

Newly bought sealed clothing and household items can be dropped off at 17 Fort Knox Self-Storage Ltd in George Street, St Helens Town Centre – or by contacting Our Warm Welcome by calling 07591 588935 or emailing